Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Jun 2, 2019
Benefits of Bicycling and Diabetes
Cycling can be a great activity for people with Diabetes. In this article I will cover some of the benefits of cycling. The article will...
Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
May 9, 2019
Determining Exercise Intensity -How Hard Should I Work?
One question I am always getting as an exercise physiologist is about exercise intensity. How hard should I work? How do I know if I’m...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Oct 2, 2018
Recently Diagnosed With Diabetes? Cut Yourself Some Slack!
In working with people with Diabetes especially those recently diagnosed there can be a multitude of feelings or emotions that come with...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Aug 17, 2018
Overcoming Exercise Plateaus
Plateaus can be very frustrating. They are also a very normal part of an exercise or weight loss program. A good definition of a plateau...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Jul 17, 2018
Pre-Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome Diagnoses And Treatment
Metabolic Syndrome is a series of five risk factors that put individuals at risk for Pre-Diabetes; There are 79 million people over the...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Jul 17, 2018
Your Success in Weight Loss
Weight loss is a process that requires dedication, knowledge and support from family and friends. Your physician and other educators are...
Robert Goldstein
Jan 12, 2018
Understanding Diabetes and Exercise Prescription
1) Diabetes is a Circulatory Disease effecting millions. Diabetes also carries many of the same risk factors as heart disease. 2) The...