Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Aug 10, 2020
Benefits Of Moderate Exercise and Diabetes
Moderate exercise has many benefits for people with Diabetes. I will address in this article these great benefits as reducing risk...
Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Jun 2, 2019
Benefits of Bicycling and Diabetes
Cycling can be a great activity for people with Diabetes. In this article I will cover some of the benefits of cycling. The article will...
Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
May 20, 2019
Should I Have an at Home Blood Pressure Cuff?
Should I Have an at Home Blood Pressure Cuff? High blood pressure is an epidemic often called the “Silent Killer.” This is because you...
Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
May 10, 2019
Benefits of Light Weights and Rubber Tubing for People with Diabetes
The Benefits of using light weights and rubber tubing for people with Diabetes include. 1) Reducing Blood Sugar and responding better...
Rob Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
May 9, 2019
Determining Exercise Intensity -How Hard Should I Work?
One question I am always getting as an exercise physiologist is about exercise intensity. How hard should I work? How do I know if I’m...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Oct 2, 2018
Recently Diagnosed With Diabetes? Cut Yourself Some Slack!
In working with people with Diabetes especially those recently diagnosed there can be a multitude of feelings or emotions that come with...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Aug 17, 2018
Overcoming Exercise Plateaus
Plateaus can be very frustrating. They are also a very normal part of an exercise or weight loss program. A good definition of a plateau...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Jul 17, 2018
Pre-Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome Diagnoses And Treatment
Metabolic Syndrome is a series of five risk factors that put individuals at risk for Pre-Diabetes; There are 79 million people over the...
Robert Goldstein MS; Exercise Physiologist
Jul 17, 2018
Your Success in Weight Loss
Weight loss is a process that requires dedication, knowledge and support from family and friends. Your physician and other educators are...
Jul 16, 2018
What's in a Great Coach?
1) A great coach should have and in depth knowledge of Diabetes so they can teach you about the disease. They should have advanced...